Many of the articles on this site have now been published in book form. The following set of Adobe Acrobat files correspond to the printed books.
- A Warning to Quarantine Divisive Workers
- "That You All Speak the Same Thing and That There Be No Divisions Among You"
- "A Chosen Vessel to Me"
"Who Concerning the Truth Have Misaimed"
- The Practicality of the Body
- Authority in the Body of Christ and in the Local Churches
- The Local Church Life for the Body of Christ
- The Direction and Leadership of the Lord's Recovery
- Regions of the Work and Companies of Workers
- Using Worldly Means to Gain Increase
- Properly Discerning Spiritual Authority to Rightly Follow the Lord
- "In the Sleight of Men"
"By the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses"
- Has the Truth Changed or Have Some of the Metro Toronto Elders?
- Concerning Sectarianism and Abuse of Authority in Toronto
- Concerning Sectarianism and Abuse of Authority in Columbus and Mansfield
- Concerning Titus Chu's Divisive Work in Uganda
- Concerning Attacks on Living Stream Ministry
- Concerning the Present Turmoil in the Lord's Recovery
Using these files
These files are set up with a page size of 5.5" x 8.5". The electronic versions can be taken to a digital or offset printer as is to print and bind in booklet form. To request access to the book covers for printing, please contact us at:

If you print these files using default settings, they will print centered on the page with wide margins. To print these files two to a page (but not in bookfold format), select "Multiple pages per sheet" on the pulldown menu for "Page scaling" on the Print dialog box. This should change "Pages per sheet" to 2.